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The Endurance is the toughest event of the Formula Student. At this contest the driver and the car have to withstand a 22km long Endurance Race. Those taking part in this race are among the top 25. TU Graz Racing Team. Menu. Team.
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A crystal is made up of unit cells that are repeated at a pattern of points, which is called the Bravais lattice (fig. Support for Formula Student Clubs – FZD supports different groups that take the challenge to participate in the formula student races and trials. Graz University of Technology (German: Technische Universität Graz, short TU Graz) is one of five universities in Styria, Austria.It was founded in 1811 by Archduke John of Austria and currently comprises seven faculties. Es gelten die Bestimmungen der Betriebs- und Benutzungsordnung des Zentralen Informatikdienstes, der Datenschutzverordnung der TU Graz, die Nutzungsregelungen für die EDV-Benutzerräume (EDV-Lernzentren) der TU Graz und die Richtlinien zur Nutzung des Datennetzes der TU Graz (TUGnet) sowie die Richtlinie zur Informationssicherheit.
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