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USD/EUR for the 24-hour period ending Friday, April 16, 2021 22:00 UTC @ USD United States Dollars EUR Euros GBP United Kingdom Pounds CAD Canada Dollars DEM Germany Deutsche Marks FRF France Francs JPY Japan Yen NLG Netherlands (Dutch) Guilders ITL Italy Lire CHF Switzerland Francs AUD Australia Dollars DZD Algeria Dinars ARS Argentina Pesos ATS Austria Schillings BSD Bahamas Dollars BBD Barbados Dollars 1 USD = 3.529 PGK: USD PGK: Historischen: US-Dollar Kolumbianischer Peso: 1 USD = 3628.1 COP: USD COP: Historischen: US-Dollar Komoren-Franc: 1 USD = 411.15 KMF: USD KMF: Historischen: US-Dollar Kroatische Kuna: 1 USD = 6.314 HRK: USD HRK: Historischen: US-Dollar Kuwait Dinar: 1 USD = 0.301 KWD: USD KWD: Historischen: US-Dollar Leone: 1 USD = 10216. SLL: USD SLL: Historischen 18 rows Currency converter and exchange rate for Dollar, Pound, Euro and all other currencies. 1.06225 usd: 0.9414 chf = 1 usd: 2 chf = 2.1245 usd: 1.88279 chf = 2 usd: 5 chf = 5.31126 usd: 4.70699 chf = 5 usd: 10 chf = 10.62251 usd: 9.41397 chf = 10 usd: 15 chf = 15.93377 usd: 14.12096 chf = 15 usd: 20 chf = 21.24502 usd: 18.82794 chf = 20 usd: 25 chf = 26.55628 usd: 23.53493 chf = 25 usd: 50 chf = 53.11256 usd: 47.06985 chf = 50 usd 2021-04-17 Welcome to FX Exchange Rate - this is a free and useful website devoted to share live foreign exchange rates prices and charts. It provides currency conversion widgets including currency conversion calculator and exchange rate widget which are free and easy-to-use, using those widgets you can easily get the exchange rates of any currency pairs. 2021-04-16 usd chf; 1 usd = 0,9753 chf: 10 usd = 9,7530 chf: 2 usd = 1,9506 chf: 20 usd = 19,5060 chf: 3 usd = 2,9259 chf: 30 usd = 29,2590 chf: 4 usd = 3,9012 chf: 40 usd = 39,0120 chf: 5 usd = 4,8765 chf: 50 usd = 48,7650 chf: 6 usd = 5,8518 chf: 60 usd = 58,5180 chf: 7 usd = 6,8271 chf: 70 usd = 68,2710 chf: 8 usd = 7,8024 chf: 80 usd = 78,0240 chf: 9 usd = 8,7777 chf: 90 usd = 87,7770 chf: 10 usd = 9,7530 chf: 100 usd = × Statusmeldung Als angemeldeter User erhalten Sie nun alle Marktdaten der Schweizer Börse SIX in Realtime.Übrige Marktdaten sind mind.
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In the beginning rate at 0.944 Francs. High exchange rate 0.944, low 0.889. The average for the month 0.920. The USD to CHF forecast at the end of the month 0.903, change for April -4.3%. Aktueller Wechselkurs US Dollar - Schweizer Franken (USD/CHF) auf CASH - der grössten Finanzplattform der Schweiz. Entwicklung des Dollarkurs auf einen Blick.
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2020-08-13 · CHF/USD: Aktueller Schweizer Franken - US-Dollar Kurs heute mit Chart, historischen Kursen und Nachrichten.
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1 USD. CHF. 0,89880 CHF. 1 US-Dollar = 0,89880 Schweizer Franken am 31.12.2020. 100 USD. 1.06225 usd: 0.9414 chf = 1 usd: 2 chf = 2.1245 usd: 1.88279 chf = 2 usd: 5 chf = 5.31126 usd: 4.70699 chf = 5 usd: 10 chf = 10.62251 usd: 9.41397 chf = 10 usd: 15 chf = 15.93377 usd: 14.12096 chf = 15 usd: 20 chf = 21.24502 usd: 18.82794 chf = 20 usd: 25 chf = 26.55628 usd: 23.53493 chf = 25 usd: 50 chf = 53.11256 usd: 47.06985 chf = 50 usd 1 USD = 0.92005 CHF. Konvertieren Schweizer Franken Zu US-Dollar . Wechselkurse Aktualisiert: Apr 17,2021 22:54 UTC. Ausführliche Geschichte finden Sie unter USD/CHF Geschichte USD to CHF forecast for April 2021. In the beginning rate at 0.944 Francs. High exchange rate 0.944, low 0.889.
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1.96749 CHF. Während der letzten 30 Tage Durchschnitts-Wechselkurs der Schweizer Franken in US-Dollar war 1.12646 USD für 1 CHF Der höchste Preis des Schweizer Franken in US-Dollar war am Thu, 7 Jan 2021 bei 1 Schweizer Franken = 1.1388 US-Dollar. USD CHF (US Dollar / Swiss Franc) The USDCHF, also known as the “swissie” is the fifth most traded currency in the Forex market. It is considered to a safe haven pair due to its stability and neutral character of Switzerland and is a reserve currency used by markets worldwide. Features and Functionality.
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