swedish.nsh ;; ;; Swedish language strings for the Windows
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Windows, default codepage 1252) but the application codepage is manually set to 1208 using the DB2 registry variable DB2CODEPAGE=1208. Codepage: "An ordered set of characters in which a numeric index (code point values) is associated with each character. The first 128 characters of each codepage are functionally the same and include all characters needed to type English text. * The 65000/1 code pages are encoded as UTF-7/8 to allow to working with unicode data in 7-bit and 8-bit environments, however . Even if you use CHCP to run the Windows Console in a unicode code page, many applications will assume that the default still applies, e.g.
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They are all ignored, like they don't exist. If i try to create a QString with some of this characters, and them print them using qDebug or a QTextEdit, they are printed, along with a garbage 2009-06-26 What is zTscoder.exe? Runtime Data Window Title: Zoom - Converting the meeting recording.
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It is now preferable to use 16 bit character set of Unicode. As defined by Microsoft, a locale is either a language or a language in combination with a country. 2017-09-29 · How to convert 1252 character values to UTF-8 with ABL? Our database is using codepage 1252.
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example, '1252'), or an IANA code page value (for example, 'iso8859-1' or cp1252).
Without losing "special characters", like inverted exclamation mark and the Euro sign? Die Windows-Codepage 1252 - Sonderzeicheneingabe Auf der Tastatur nicht vorgesehene Sonderzeichen als Tastenkombination eingeben. Stand der Bearbeitung: Mo., 03.04.2006.
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Windows-1252 and ASCII
Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); var enc1252 = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); Alternatively, if you only need that one code page, you can get it directly, without registration: var enc1252 = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(1252);
Character sets: Windows-1252 (legacy, Western Europe) Windows-1252 code page Windows-1252 (legacy, Western Europe) is a 8-bit single-byte coded character set. This Windows code page is similar to ISO-8859-1. Windows-1252 is a single-byte encoding, which means that each character is encoded as a single byte, the same as with ASCII. However, since Windows-1252 uses the full 8 bits of each byte for its code points (as opposed to ASCII’s 7-bit codes), it contains 256 code points compared to ASCII’s 128. Microsoft Windows Codepage 1252 (ANSI) V2.00 by Kosta Kostis