per capita - Engelsk översättning - Linguee


per capita - Engelsk-svensk ordbok -

Per capita is a Latin term that translates to "by head." Per capita means the average per person and is often used in place of "per person" in statistical observances. The phrase is used with Per capita means per person. It is a Latin term that translates to "by the head." It's commonly used in statistics, economics, and business to report an average per person. Per Capita [Latin, By the heads or polls.] A term used in the Descent and Distribution of the estate of one who dies without a will. It means to share and share alike according to the number of individuals.

Per capita

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This tax is due yearly and is based solely on residency, it is NOT dependent upon employment or property ownership. Per capita is a much simpler concept than per stirpes; this directive simply states that all members of a specific group will receive equal shares of the estate. What group this is remains up to the estate holder. “Per capita” means that the beneficiaries share the distribution of the gift based upon the number of beneficiaries which are living at the time of decedent’s death. If any of your beneficiaries predecease you, their share will not transfer to their descendants, but will transfer to the remaining surviving beneficiaries. A Per Capita distribution differs from Per Stirpes. In a Per Capita distribution, your property is divided equally among all of your surviving descendants.

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The GDP per Capita in Netherlands is equivalent to 441  nominal GDP (also called GDP at current prices or GDP in value) and is available in different measures: US dollars and US dollars per capita (current PPPs). Eenvoudige Multi-Stage en Per Capita Convergentie: een analyse van twee klimaat regimes voor toekomstige lastenverdelingen. 30-07-2004 | Publicatie. Per capita definition is - per unit of population : by or for each person.

Per capita

BNP - per capita PPP - Jämför länder - TOP 100 - IndexMundi

Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population. GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) GDP per capita (current LCU) GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $) Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) Oil rents (% of GDP) Download. CSV XML EXCEL.

Per capita

$) Growth (%) GDP (PPP) (Int. $) Continent; 2020 Rank 2021 Rank % world diff 2021 2021 Rank; Luxembourg: 112,875: 1: 119,760: 1: 662-5.86: 76.45: 100: Europe: Singapore: 95,603: 2: 101,409: 2: 561: 18,351: 4.98: 591.9: 38: Asia: Qatar: 91,897: 3: 96,103: 3: 531: 5,306: 2.52: 269.8: 61: Asia: Ireland: 89,383: 4: 94,971: 4: 525: 1,132: 4.94: … Deaths per million (last 7 days) Czechia: 1,580,189: 26,369: 27,808: 751: 74: 10.67: 2,606.26: 70.39: Hungary: 720,164: 30,311: 23,417: 1,489: 206: 9.77: 2,396.84: 152.41: Bosnia and Herzegovina Total number of vaccination doses administered per 100 people in the total population. This is counted as a single dose, and may not equal the total number of people vaccinated, depending on the specific dose regime (e.g. people receive multiple doses). Per capita is a term used in economic and statistical analysis that means per person. Per capita is used when comparing a certain economic metric to a population.
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Per capita

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doi:  The average mobility per capita (km/year) is increasing again in 22 countries since 2014. It has been stable or decreasing in most countries (~70%) for the  The ERS Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System (FADS) includes three distinct but related data series on food and nutrient availability for consumption: food  The use of per capita measures in aggregate data analysis has been giveni little theoretical justification. This paper argues that unless there is such a  Graph and download economic data for Real gross domestic product per capita ( A939RX0Q048SBEA) from Q1 1947 to Q4 2020 about per capita, real, GDP,  The Per Capita Tax is a flat rate local tax payable by all adult residents living within a taxing jurisdiction.
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Svag utveckling av BNP per capita - Svenskt Näringsliv

Law. noting or pertaining to a method of dividing an estate by which all those equally related to the decedent take equal shares individually without regard … Per Capita, Rates and Comparisons. Percent change in a value tells you only part of the story when you are comparing values for several communities or groups. Another important statistic is each group's per capita value. This figure helps you compare values among groups of different size. Let's look at Springfield and Capital City again. Armed forces personnel are active duty military personnel, including paramilitary forces if the training, organization, equipment, and control suggest they may be used to support or replace regular military forces. Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.