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The oats were harvested at seven stages of maturity-from the … 2020-03-03 Download Citation | Monosomics of Kanota oats | Twin seedlings, which often are polyploid or aneuploid, of Avena byzantina C. Koch var. Kanota were successfully used as a source of monosomics The frequency and chromosomec onstitution of twins in three Avena species (2n=42) were determined. A much higher frequency of twin seedlings was obtained from A. byzantina C. Koch var. ‘Kanota’ tha early maturity makes it a desirable oat for double cropping on irrigated lands. Kanota History: A selected strain of Fulghum released by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
Kanota was released in California in 1928. PEST DISEASE RESISTANCE. Kanota is susceptible to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, crown rust, stem rust and powdery mildew. YIELD DATA. Kanota is early maturing, being about three days later than Montezuma. Plant height is similar to A cool season annual cereal grain.
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Adds bio-mass and green manure when turned over in the soil. derivativesof haploids from the oat]maize crosses, to give a total of 18 unique Sun II monosomic/nullisomic lines. All seven C-genome chromosomes are represent-edby SunIImonosomics.Chromosomes13,14and17 arenotrepresentedby SunIIaneuploidsbutarefound in the Kanota monosomic series. Therefore, mono-somics of some form are now available for all 21 oat Soil residue effects of selected pre-emergence herbicides as measured by the growth of Kanota oats Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item.
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Soil residue effects of selected pre-emergence herbicides as measured by the growth of Kanota oats Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. nota oats. In 1961-62 yellow dwarf did not prove a problem in any of the plant- ings at Davis.
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It is derived from a cross between a mutant monosomic of Kanota (Avena byzantina L.) and a rust resistant selection of wild oat (A.
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1994 Oct;89(2-3):329-35. doi: 10.1007/BF00225163. Soil residue effects of selected pre-emergence herbicides as measured by the growth of Kanota oats Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. nota oats. In 1961-62 yellow dwarf did not prove a problem in any of the plant- ings at Davis. Had it been present, un- doubtedly California Mariout, a very sus- ceptible variety, would have been far less productive than the fairly resistant Mer- ced rye and Kanota oats. The early- planted barley was severely attacked A molecular marker map in 'Kanota' × 'Ogle' hexaploid oat ( Avena spp.) enhanced by additional markers and a robust framework A molecular marker map in 'Kanota' x 'Ogle' hexaploid oat (Avena spp.) enhanced by additional markers and a robust framework.