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At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. COPYRIGHT TEDXLONDON 2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS INDEPENDENT TEDX EVENT IS OPERATED UNDER LICENSE FROM TED. Go to Top Skip to content. TEDxLondonWomen – 6 Feb According to its website, Tedx London is a volunteer-led organisation with a mission to 'encourage dialogue and engagement, create inclusive spaces and foster debate and discussion that continues Vanessa reveals that our behaviour, from hand gestures to how we say 'hello', changes the way others perceive our confidence, Vanessa Van Edwards is an inte Lxdies and Gxntlemxn, I have an annxxncement to make.
This expo is going to be a 1 day event. This event forays into categories like Business Services. The TEDxLondon team delivered an amazing event, complete with commitments to accessibility on every level – including the new Relaxed Room, sustainability with a Refill station cutting out the plastic bottles, as well as care taken at each interaction point to ensure attendees have a fantastic time.. But of course, the real inspiration lay in the talks.
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Tell us your interests and we'll pick TED Talks just for you. Get Started. like.
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Tedx London, a chapter of Ted Talks that hosts educational speakers, announced on Twitter that “TEDxLondonWomxn is coming back.” HELLO YOU! TEDxLondonWomxn is coming back (virtually)! 💥 And we'd love you to share your ideas to help us to build our programme of events for this Autumn… TEDxLondon, London, United Kingdom. 4,739 likes · 7 talking about this. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized TEDxLondon, London, United Kingdom. 4,737 likes · 6 talking about this., home of TED Talks, is a global initiative about ideas worth spreading via TEDx, The Audacious Project, TED Books, TED Conferences, TED-Ed and more. We think it is more important than ever to rise up, stand up and show up for ideas, for stories, for voices and for you.
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Location: London Geographical Society, London Audience: 450+ Keynote: The Magic of Social Client: London Business School
Join TEDxLondon as we lift the lid on the climate emergency. Find out why cities are key to the climate fight, why we need to tackle systemic problems (and not just plastic straws), and why we’re all a bit crap at sustainability. TEDxLondon 2018 is Beyond Borders – beyond limitations, boundaries and labels in order to solve society’s challenges, promote innovation and celebrate our humanity.
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4,738 likes · 34 talking about this. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized TEDx London replaces 'women' with 'womxn' to promote inclusivity, gets blasted on Twitter On 5th September , the TEDx London Twitter account posted the following tweet on their wall.
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Photo shared by Jobylon on September 17, 2020 tagging Söker business tedx händelser i London?