Sherwin-Williams Sweden AB ökade sin omsättning med 4,87% senaste räkenskapsåret. Bolaget har 318 anställda, snittlönen har ökat 0%. Jenny Linden Urnes, owner and chairman of AB Wilh. Becker, commented, "Becker Acroma and its committed employees around the world have been a very much appreciated part of Beckers, and I wish them Syntema is a Trademark by Becker Acroma Klinten Ab, the address on file for this trademark is Industrigatan 5, S-195 02 Marsta Becker Acroma - The Solutions Partner Wood finishing solutions Becker Acroma wood finishing solu-tions allow great flexibility, since they can be adapted and developed to suit your individual needs and circum-stances. We place special emphasis on research and development focused on environmentally compliant products and techniques. As a leading manufacturer in Europe, Becker Acroma® has provided varnishes, enamels, lacquers and wood stains for over 100 years to become a household name in high quality wood finishes. With their whole hearted commitment to product development Becker Acroma’s prime objective is to innovate and manufacture new wood finishing products that further enhance the natural beauty and durability Becker Acroma KB. 0381-261 00.

Becker acroma ab

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We are focused on developing sustainable coatings – our vision is to become the most sustainable industrial coatings company in the world. CLEVELAND – The Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, OH, has closed a definitive agreement to acquire Becker Industrial Products AB, a subsidiary of AB Wilh. Becker based in Sweden, which engages in the industrial wood coatings business. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Becker Acroma is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial wood coatings globally and a technology leader in water, UV and other wood coatings. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Becker Acroma is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial wood coatings globally and a technology leader in water, UV, and other wood coatings. Becker Sweden-based Becker Acroma, a unit of AB Wilh, has annual sales of about $300 million, Sherwin-Williams said in a statement.

1968 Acroma Lack AB is founded in Sweden. Becker based in Sweden, which engages in the industrial wood coatings business. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Becker Acroma is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial wood coatings Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Becker Acroma is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial wood coatings globally and a technology leader in water, UV, and other wood coatings. Becker Acroma wood coatings serve the joinery, kitchen cabinet, furniture, and flooring markets directly and through distributors.

Becker acroma ab

Becker Äcroma AB. Vågverket, Eksjö.

Becker acroma ab

доска сорта «AB»: на наружной доске не допускаются гниения и трещины; клей Dynea (Норвегия), лак Treffert (Германия) Becker Acroma(Германия),  chase Becker Industrial. Products AB (Lyon Cedex,.
Rötter på engelska

Becker acroma ab

Sherwin-Williams' rapidly growing Global. Finishes Group, which. Becker Äcroma AB. Vågverket, Eksjö. Ingarps SMU Becker Acroma AB. IK Hakarpspojkarna.

Ansökningsdatum, 2003-12-17.
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I stayed with the company for 10 years which brought För en vacker och levande träyta, använd Sherwin-Williams. Våra ytbehandlingar kan helt anpassas efter era specifika behov beroende på prestanda-, utseende och process för att ge era produkter en utmärkande fördel på den konkurrensutsatta marknaden.

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Utmärkta lokaler, snabb service och bra logistikläge, har varit avgörande orsaker till Beckers Group är ett företag inriktat på färgprodukter för industriell ytbehandling av metall och plast. Företaget är helägt av AB Wilh.Becker, som sedan 1985 ägs av Lindéngruppen, och bildades formellt 2012 ur Becker Industrial Coatings. Becker Acroma har med sina engagerade medarbetare runt om i världen varit en betydelsefull del av Beckers.