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C lseek end of file

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Below is the implementation of the above approach: The end-of-file internal indicator of the stream is cleared after a successful call to this function, and all effects from previous calls to ungetc on this stream are dropped. On streams open for update (read+write), a call to fseek allows to switch between reading and writing. Parameters stream Pointer to a FILE object that identifies the Get a file size two ways -- using lseek and using stat. - lseek_size.c If you are just wondering whether the construct using offset = 0 with whence = SEEK_END would position the file offset to the end of the file, then "yes" you are right, at least for the "standard f/lseek () "s I came across.

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Coordinates with buffering. return(lseek(fileno(iop), offset, ptrname) == -1 || p == EOF ?

C lseek end of file

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The offset can be positive or negative.

C lseek end of file

If you are just wondering whether the construct using offset = 0 with whence = SEEK_END would position the file offset to the end of the file, then "yes" you are right, at least for the "standard f/lseek()"s I came across. lseek() should directly return the file offset. For fseek() a following ftell() will get you the file offset. The _lseek function moves the file pointer associated with fd to a new location that is offset bytes from origin. The next operation on the file occurs at the new location. The origin argument must be one of the following constants, which are defined in Stdio.h.
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C lseek end of file


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lseek () should directly return the file offset. For fseek () a following ftell () will get you the file offset. lseek () lets you specify new file offsets past the current end of the file. If data is written at such a point, read operations in the gap between this data and the old end of the file will return bytes containing zeros.

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The new position is the given byte offset from the position specified by pos. After you have used lseek() to seek to a new location, the next I/O operation on the file begins at that location. The lseek() function lets you specify new file offsets past the current end of the file.