planeringsminima — Engelska översättning - TechDico


Sträckalternativet in English with contextual examples

§ 121.627 - Continuing flight in unsafe conditions. § 121.628 - Inoperable instruments and equipment. § 121.629 - Operation in icing conditions. § 121.631 - Original dispatch or flight release, redispatch or amendment of dispatch or flight release. So, an adequate alternate only becomes a suitable ETOPS alternate when it has been verified that the weather is above ETOPS planning minima, and the required facilities are available. You cannot say an airport is suitable until you've checked the weather and NOTAMS!

Etops alternate planning minima

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A thorough operating minima check thus is paramount – along with the most recent NOTAM (e.g. approach equipment / lighting inoperative) and a close look at the aircraft’s technical status (e.g. approach capability downgraded). This is especially true for Alternate or ETOPS planning. minima for these are more conservative to add a safety margin. Planning.

planeringsminima — Engelska översättning - TechDico

minima for these are more conservative to add a safety margin. Planning. Aircraft serviceability and MEL. Communication and navigation facilities. Critical fuel scenario.

Etops alternate planning minima

alternate aerodrome — Svenska översättning - TechDico

2019-05-10 Appendix B En-Route Alternate Aerodromes General 1 Definitions of Aerodromes 1 Planning Minima 2 Appendix C ETOPS Maintenance Requirements General 1 ETOPS Maintenance Programme 1 ETOPS Manual 1 Oil Consumption Programme 1 Engine Condition Monitoring 2 Rectification of Aircraft Defects 2 Reliability Programme 2 Propulsion System Monitoring 3 11 October 2002 PLANNING MINIMA Conservative planning minima for en-route alternate airports remain in place for ETOPS. Two-engine airplanes do not retain precision approach capability in some of the degraded system configurations that may exist during a diversion (e.g. in case of electrical emergency). For this reason, their planning minima may not benefit from a reduction. SPA.ETOPS.115 ETOPS en-route alternate aerodrome planning minima (a) The operator shall only select an aerodrome as an ETOPS en-route alternate aerodrome when the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination thereof, indicate that, between the … G135.1.2 ETOPS Alternate Airport means an adequate airport that is designated in a dispatch or flight release for use in the event of a diversion during ETOPS.

Etops alternate planning minima

Planning minima for an ETOPS en route alternate To be suitable to be listed in the flight plan as an ETOPS en route alternate aerodrome, Please note that a minimum of 90 working days will normally be required to process and issue an ETOPS approval – if data is missing or omitted the process may take considerably longer. Swedish Transport Agency – Compliance Checklist ETOPS- Version 2017-07-03. Swedish Transport Agency – Compliance Checklist ETOPS– Version 2017-07-03 (c) IFR alternate airport weather minima.
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Etops alternate planning minima

in case of electrical emergency). For this reason, their planning minima may not benefit SPA.ETOPS.115 ETOPS en-route alternate aerodrome planning minima (a) The operator shall only select an aerodrome as an ETOPS en-route alternate aerodrome when the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination thereof, indicate that, between the anticipated time of landing until one hour EDTO/ETOPS ALTERNATE AERODROME – is an adequate aerodrome that is listed in the operator’s operations manual and the weather requirements of the EDTO/ETOPS alternate aerodrome planning minima requirements in Sections 6 of Appendix 2 to this manual. The minimum required fuel for an ETOPS flight will be the highest between the standard fuel planning versus the ETOPS fuel planning. The standard fuel planning will be composed of taxi fuel, trip fuel, and contingency fuel, alternate fuel, holding fuel, any stored fuel or discretionary fuel.

The above are planning minima.
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planeringsminima — Engelska översättning - TechDico

Pre-dispatch and post-dispatch weather minima. Computerised flight  6 Mar 2009 4 ETOPS ROUTE PLANNING – THE APPLICATION PHASE 5.1.1 Minimum Equipment Considerations for Polar Operations .5.2 5.3.1 ETOPS Alternate Airport RFFS Requirements . Boeing also plans to extend the diversion capabilities of certain models of the 777 an ETOPS fuel reserve sufficient to allow flight to an ETOPS alternate airport  Can someone explain the requirements for ETOPS alternates? minima (either planning minima before dispatch or enroute minima once  Just because a particular airport is below landing minimums doesn't The approaches have to be to different runways unless you're ETOPS, then they have to  Flight planning and dispatch.

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Reserve fuel is the sum of Alternate fuel plus Final Reserve fuel. Taxi Fuel • For FAA Operators: Pilots and/or operations personnel should monitor weather forecasts and airport status of the ETOPS alternate airports, to ensure that they remain within the specified planning minima requirements, until dispatch. 3.1.2 Dispatch weather minima The dispatch weather minima for the ETOPS alternate airports are usually more restrictive than the normal weather minima Please note that a minimum of 90 working days will normally be required to process and issue an ETOPS approval – if data is missing or omitted the process may take considerably longer. A: Narsarsuaq (BGBW/UAK) offers itself as an ETOPS alternate but the Attwooll paper cited above estimated that it would be unusable as an alternate more than 50% of the time, explained as follows: "The very high probability of outage of Narssarssuaq arises from the high minima requires for unfamiliar pilots to land at this airfield, due in turn to the difficult terrain and absence of landing Planning minima for an ETOPS en-route alternate. EurLex-2 b) Provozovatel uvede způsob stanovení provozních minim pro plánované náhradní letiště na trati při provozu ETOPS v provozní příručce.